Writer's Platform-Building Campaign

I just finished filling out a letter to Kam's teacher in which I detailed all the wonderful things about Kam.  She's independent.  She's friendly.  She's smart, funny, clever, obedient.  She likes music, reading, drawing, writing, dancing. 

I also had to mention a few items that might hinder her stellar performance in the 1st grade.  She never feels like eating in the morning, and she is a night owl.  She's very difficult to get to sleep at night, which makes mornings a huge chore for both her and me, and now potentially her teacher.

She doesn't stay up at night just to be contrary.  She comes by it naturally.  I have always been a night owl, myself, and completely empathize with her.  But even empathy doesn't change the fact that she will have to learn to function in the daytime--because that is when life happens.

And I guess the point I was trying to get at is this: I have always done my best thinking at night. I always studied at night. I always write at night. I get my best cleaning done at night, same with crafts.  Movies make sense to me at night. Everything makes sense at night. 

I think I've always been a little afraid to go to sleep because I know that when I wake up the haze will cloud my mind again.  It takes me half the day to shake the fog, regardless of how much sleep I get at night.  I waste entire days just trying to wake up.

You know those people on, like, Sally Jessie Rafael and Montel Williams who are, like, a man in a woman's body?  That's how I feel.  I am a night owl in a daytime forest.

And, well, there's no segway here because it's time to get the kids up for school, and I'm going to ditch you right now to go do that.  SO, if you're a writer interested in acquaintancing yourself to other likeminded writers, check out this entry form on Rach Writes.  Sign up is open until tomorrow.

If you're not, then pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.  On Friday this blog will be part of the blog tour for Conversations with a Moonflower by Christine Hall, so make sure to come back for my review of that.  I can't guarantee it will be good, but I can guarantee if I don't get those kids up, I'll be stuck with them all day.


David P. King said…
Welcome to the campaign! It's going to be awesome! :)
Sylvia said…
Hi Misty. We're in a couple of groups together on the write campaign. I look forward to connecting more and getting to know you through your writing.
Anonymous said…

I'm looking forward to connecting through the campaign. I'm in the first Romance group but plan to keep up with all of you in the second group. Nice to meet you :)
Katie Gates said…
Hi Misty, I'm a fellow Campaigner (Adult-All Genres group, among others) and a dyed-in-the-wool night owl. For me, I think the tendency comes in part from being an introvert and growing up as the younger sister of an extreme extrovert. Since I was a kid, I appreciated the QUIET of nighttime and my right to own it. As an adult, I've enjoyed 9PM-5AM writing shifts or sitting on the couch, happily making a beaded necklace as the first birds of the new day begin chirping outside. Between my self-employment and having no human dependents (cats are also nocturnal), I am able to do it my way, and I am grateful for that.
Maggie said…
I am so NOT a night owl. I kind of shut down at 8, which is why we put our kids to bed so early. Glad to see you on the campaign!
Linda Gray said…
Hi, Misty. I just joined the Campaign and wanted to drop by to say hello. We're in the same adult fiction group. Nice to meet you!
Anonymous said…
Hi Misty, I'm a campaigner too!

I really have no idea what I am - I am most awake in the middle of the day, but I usually do my best writing at night.

I'm an odd creature :D
Susan Oloier said…
Still making the campaign rounds and thought I'd say "hi". I used to be a night owl. Not so much anymore. Is there such thing as an afternoon owl?

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