I find myself with fifteen
or blog a post.
Not really sure about the correct terminology here. That's usually how I start my poems--with a really great line which I split in two and make the first part the title. It works for me. Not that "I find myself with fifteen" was a really great line...
Anyway, moving quickly on since as you know I have only fifteen minutes in which to write. But as you may also know, I am a pretty quick writer as I have just completed 50,000 words in 30 days. I can't believe I ever thought this was impossible.
I meant to post this web-badge when I began the month.
But I was apparently much to busy to do that, and now I have this much cooler web-badge which is basically the only thing besides a really great feeling of proudness you get from winning NaNoWriMo.
In '08 I hit about 38,000 words and in '09 I hit slightly less at like maybe 35,000. My memory is poor, but I think I'm in the ballpark. So hitting the goal of 50,000 is a milestone. A milestone! And I'd like to go into detail about milestones, but I have only 3 minutes of my 15 minutes remaining before I must go pick up my child from school so he knows that he means more to me than my stupid book. Which is actually true.
Uh-oh, there goes my alarm. Yes, I really do set my alarm so I won't forget. I don't know if that makes me a good mom or a really bad one, but I know if I don't stop typing and go fetch that kid, then I am a really bad one.
Ready, break.
I'm going to try setting alarms for stuff like this too. Maybe I'll waste less time.