The Next American Idol?

Face it, the kid is a bucket full of talent.

And check this out:

Think he'll ever change his mind?


Gary said…
That Boy is my hero. I told you, you guys are doing great at raising aswesom kids. And yes he will change his tune about girls down the road LOL
Poohbear said…
Hey Zack,

Next time U come or We do Have Grandma can have a jam session....
Emily said…
Cute Kid! I love his missing teeth. Unfortunately he will probably change his mind about girls much sooner than you hope!
Dave said…
A ladies man if I ever saw one.
Gets all his killer dance moves from his old man too. The boy has the skillz, maybe not the social skillz.

And to Heather his name is Zach how well do you know your nephew? Gary, if your handing out awards I take cash, US denero, small bills, molla.
Heather said…
what a stud... although i think you might need to post the lyrics on here... just sayin' haha!

ps... that live traffic feed is kinda creepy... does that mean we have to stop blog stalking people?
Dave said…
...just some good 'ol boys, never meaning no harm, fighting the system like a modern day robin hood... YEAH HA! Them Duke Boys.
Kristin Sokol said…
You need to get that kid on America's Got Talent. He has at least as much talent as any of them have.

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